Preis: 96,39 €
Nutrition-Packed, Plant-Based Superfood: Our Nutritional Yeast is full of the good stuff, from B vitamins to protein and fiber. Add our nutritional yeast to your balanced diet for the healthy kick your body’s been craving.
Nutrition-Packed, Plant-Based Superfood: Our Nutritional Yeast is full of the good stuff, from B vitamins to protein and fiber. Add our nutritional yeast to your balanced diet for the healthy kick your body’s been craving.
Natural and Unfortified Nutritional Yeast: We believe man-made, synthetic vitamins can be harmful and cause the liver and kidneys to work overtime. Nutritional yeast products are often fortified with synthetic, man-made vitamins — Sari nutritional yeast is not! Our nutritional yeast flakes are 100% whole food based and naturally occurring.
Nourish Your Body with Yeast Nutrients: Sari Foods Nutritional Yeast provides naturally-occurring fiber and protein (it’s a complete, bioavailable, and vegan source) with 18 amino acids and a multitude of different minerals (including iron, molybdenum, selenium, and zinc), all packed into our yeast blend.
Feel Your Best with B Vitamins: B vitamins are crucial to your overall health — good thing Sari Nutritional Yeast Flakes are full of them. Sari Foods Non-Fortified Nutritional Yeast powder is nature’s vitamin B complex — it’s naturally rich in vitamins B1, B3, B5, and B6, all of which play a key role in maintaining healthy energy levels and brain function.
Packed with Flavor: Our delicious, salty, creamy, nutty, cheese-tasting vegan food can be sprinkled on anything and everything! Otherwise known as nooch (or noochy liscious cheese), our nutritional yeast powder can be used as vegan popcorn seasoning, a pasta or salad topping, vegan parmesan, and beyond. Plus it’s low in calories, fat, and sodium, dairy free, gluten-free yeast, and MSG-free.
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